More protection.

Close your real estate deals with confidence. We’ve got you covered.

When mistakes happen, we’ve got you covered.

According to our research, real estate is one of the riskiest areas of law, and as a practicing real estate legal professional, you navigate that risk on a daily basis.  You take all the necessary precautions, but you may still be faced with an errors and omissions claim, even after you retire. Using your mandatory errors and omissions coverage can be expensive, whether or not you’re at fault.

That is, unless you’re protected by FCT’s legal services coverage.

With E&O Complete, you’re the insured, not your client, which lets you retain control of the process. E&O Complete is a safety net that’s there to help settle issues quickly and discretely, before small claims become big problems.

$6,197.80 paid

A lawyer processed a refinance transaction, acting for the borrowers and the lender. The property had an existing mortgage with another lender that had to be paid out and discharged as part of the transaction. But the lawyer’s office inadvertently didn’t pay out the existing mortgage until after it had matured. The borrowers ended up with $6,197.80 of prepayment and interest charges and held their lawyer responsible. Because the lawyer had an E&O Complete policy, FCT covered the full amount, with no deductible, and no increase in their law society E&O insurance premiums.

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